Our Mission : To support all perioperative professionals in delivering the highest standards of care in patients undergoing anaesthesia in any setting.
Our Vision : Excellence in care through education, audit and research.
Our Values : To value everyone who contributes to our work. To expect and encourage the highest possible standards.
BARNA Aims to :
Foster communication and collaboration among professional partners. Nationally we work with other perioperative associations on Perioperative Forums, and internationally BARNA remains the UK official representative to the IFNA and ICPAN. You will find out more about these partnerships in Networks.
Maximise opportunities for professional development. The website section on Education includes peri-anaesthesia role descriptions, training opportunities and ongoing career development.
Develop learning and teaching resources. The Education section also includes information about our Learning and Teaching Resources : designed to furbish you with a competency framework supported by underpinning theory to enable you to both learn, and teach within your Anaesthetic or PACU. These resources are designed for members and they can be accessed within the closed Members Section of the website.
Promote research and evidence based quality nursing practice. The Clinical Practice section of the website includes a broad span of information on factors that impacts on quality practice : Standards, Audit, Clinical Innovation, Evidence Base, Reflection on Practice, as well as featuring common management issues.